Indicators and actions

For explanations of Implementation Indicators and Actions, click here.
  • NRES 1: Percent of New Developments Using the Conservation Subdivision Requirements in the Unified Development Code (UDC)
  • NRES 2: Usage of SEP-HCP (Southern Edwards Plateau Habitat Conservation Plan) in Bexar County
  • NRES 3: Square Feet of Green Roof Coverage in the City
  • NRES 4: Amount of Low Impact Development (LID)/ Miles of Green Streets or Square Feet of Green Infrastructure
  • NRES 5: Amount of Land Preserved through Conservation Easements
  • NRES 6: Quality of Reclaim Systems That Capture Non-Potable Supplies
  • NRES 7: Per Capita Water Use
  • NRES 8: Number of People Engaged per Year in Water Conservation Programs
  • NRES 9: Number of commercial customers involved in water efficiency projects
  • NRES 10: Number or Percent of New Landscapes That Get Local Certification for being a Water Saver Landscape
  • NRES 11: Number of Participants Involved in SAWS Water Management Plan
  • NRES 12: Per Capita Energy Use
  • NRES 13: Energy Use by Public Facilities by square feet
  • NRES 14: Renewable Energy Generated by Public Facilities
  • NRES 15: Renewable Energy Generated by Commercial Facilities
  • NRES 16: Renewable Energy Generated by Households
  • NRES 17: Residential Recycling and Composting Rates
  • NRES 18: Public Facility Recycling and Composting Rates
  • NRES 19: Commercial Recycling and Composting Rates
  • NRES 20: Air Quality Index as Measured by Ground-Level Ozone, Particulate Matter, Carbon Monoxide, Sulfur Dioxide, and Nitrogen Dioxide
  • NRES 21: Number of People and Organizations Engaged in Air Quality Education and Programs
  • NRES 22: Heat Island Index Measurement
  • NRES 23: Acres of Open Space preservation Owner or Managed by Public Entities
Action Description Air Quality Economic Vitality Equity Resilience Water Resources
NRES A1 Develop programs and incentives to increase the percent of new developments using the Conservation Subdivision requirements in the UDC.
NRES A2 Continue support of Edwards Aquifer Protection Program (EAPP).
NRES A3 Promote urban microclimates in urban heat island risk areas through mass tree planting and increased square feet of green roof coverage.
NRES A4 Enhance incentives to increase the amount of Low Impact Development (LID) in San Antonio.
NRES A5 Incorporate LID and green street projects into City infrastructure.
NRES A6 Create a clearing house to monitor and track stormwater best management practices.
NRES A7 Explore incentives and programs to improve the quality of reclaim systems that capture non-potable supplies.
NRES A8 Work to achieve water use rates as recommended by the SAWS Water Management Plan Update (2020).
NRES A9 Develop programs and incentives to increase the percent of land preserved through conservation easements.
NRES A10 Coordinate with the Sustainability Plan to launch an urban heat island mitigation program (refer to Sustainability Plan GB8).
NRES A11 Educate and promote sustainable principles in new residential and commercial landscapes to make them both beautiful and drought resilient.
NRES A12 Increase number of certified local Water Saver Landscapers.
NRES A13 Promote water efficiency programs for commercial customers.
NRES A14 Coordinate a comprehensive GIS analysis and tracking program for wildlife areas, protected environments, key agriculture lands, etc.
NRES A15 Develop and participate in local and regional plans for protection of monarchs and other endangered species.
NRES A16 Enhance programs and incentives that increase San Antonio's tree canopy coverage.
NRES A17 Support the establishment of a Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) program in Bexar County.
NRES A18 Expand SA2030 District beyond downtown.
NRES A19 Develop a program to encourage and recognize waste reduction practices by commercial enterprises.
NRES A20 City should calculate recycling and composting collections.
NRES A21 Develop a program to increase awareness of the benefits of recycling and composting.
NRES A22 Implement city wide composting.
NRES A23 Educate residents on the associated costs and benefits of responsible energy use.
NRES A24 Review and analyze regulations regarding pipelines and oil and gas wells.
NRES A25 Develop the 2017-2027 Parks and Recreation System Strategic Plan and update the plan as needed.
NRES A26 Continue to acquire and preserve open space.
NRES A27 Continue to develop parks and trails in an environmentally sensitive manner, preserving floodplain land, habitat and other natural resources to the greatest extent possible.